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Doing it the Forever way

Recently I was invited by the lovely Singlesara7 to her Launch night 'Doing it the Forever way' for her new business venture Forever Living. It was held in the Blind Cobbler in Omagh and we were greeted with bubbling prosecco and cocktails on arrival. There was a fine spread of nibbles covering healthy options to something sweet and savoury nibbles.

Off course knowing Sara there were some great games to get everyone involved in and warmed up (I was feeling very lucky and won two) obviously there was a fine array of the forever living aloe vera products and Sara went over her favourites and explained the benefits of each one.

I re-purchased my Forever aloe vera gel, (that is a firm staple in my morning routine) and was chuffed to bits because I won a lip balm! I like to keep their lip balms handy at ALL times, they're super handy for cracked or dry lips. especially in this changing weather.

xoxo OfficialJudeMitch

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